简介:"The Hidden Kingdom" is an innovative new series in the BBC's natural history unit. It takes the audience for the first time into a unique and unexplored micro world, immersing you in the vibrant life of small animals on Earth. Located among the six most iconic landscapes on Earth: the open plains of the African savannah, the desert of Arizona, the forests of Borneo, the forests of North America, and the urban jungles of Rio and Tokyo. We will experience and see these habitats from a new visual perspective. Pushing between the grass leaves feels like delving deep into the thickest jungle, while running from hunting lizards feels like visiting Jurassic Park. This is different from traditional wildlife series. It is entirely based on biologically accurate behavior, utilizing a series of unique filming techniques and constructed stories to recreate the unique perspectives of these animals and showcase their vitality in life. The behind the scenes journey of "The Hidden Kingdom" explores some techniques used to create this unique perspective and why they are so important in revealing behaviors that have never been filmed before.