这是1900里最爱的一首。虽然尚待观察,至少目前胜过Playing love。听到的时候请摇头晃脑。
I guess I just have to write something.I just can’t help it. If memory serves me fine,it’s been a while since last time I felt compelled to do the same thing- can’t wait to gush,about the feelings that keep flooding my mind, and heart.
This time,it’s only after I watched the movie “legend of 1900”.
A truly remarkable, profoundly touching piece of cinema. Well directed,the scences beautiful and emotion-laden, characters fully fleshed out and convincingly depicted. A job more than well done. Kudos to the crew and cast. But I think the thing that really reaches and touches the innermost recess of my tender heart, is not just the movie,the art form ,the vehicle that serves to showcase, but rather what’s been told, what’s been showcased, what’s been revealed. In other words,It’s the story that does it.
Come hold me now
I am not gone
I would not leave you here alone
In this dead calm beneath the waves
I can still hear those lost boys calling
You could not speak
You were afraid
To take the risk of being left again
And so you tipped your hat and waved and then
You turned back up the gangway of that steel tomb again
And in Mott street in July
When I hear those seabirds cry
I hold the child
The child in the man
The child that we leave behind
And in Mott street in July
When I hear those seabirds cry
I hold the child
The child in the man
The child that we leave behind
The spotlight fades
The boys disband
The final notes lie mute upon the sand
And in the silence of the grave
I can still hear those lost boys calling
We left them there
When they were young
The men were gone until the west was won
And now there's nothing left but time to kill
《海上钢琴师》大制作剧情片 因为不可能,所以完美
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