片名Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 4(2016),别名这个警察有点烦。
书接上回,本季一开始就表现出不一样的景象,原本喧嚣嘈杂的城市景象通通消失,取而代之的是小镇欢乐祥和宁静的镜头。原来Jake Peralta和Ray Holt为了躲避“屠夫”Jimmy Figgis,俩人加入证人计划,乔装打扮躲避在佛罗里达州。
1. Gay right万岁
2. 我不能害怕成功!!
3. I’d like to apologize for my gender’s history. 没有什么比一个男性为自己所处性别不平等社会给女性好友道歉更浪漫的了
When I was a young police officer and things like this would happen to me, I felt very alone, I wanted to call out every bad cop I encountered, but there were a lot, but as a black gay man, I never had a superior who was on my side, so the advice I offered you, that came from a different place and a different time. I put all my energy towards rising to a rank where I could make a difference. Well, I'm there now, and I realize that if I don't back you up on this, I would be
神烦警探 第四季:打鹰的被鹰啄了眼——《神烦警探第4季》
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